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The benefits of potatoes, learn about the many benefits of potatoes, the diseases that they treat


There is no doubt that the potato is one of the most widely eaten and popular vegetables, both in our Arab world and in the rest of the world with its various cultures.

Thanks to the potatoes, we can make French fries, which are at the top of the list of the most favorite dishes of the human race!

Although French fries are not as healthy as they should be, there are many other recipes and dishes that can be prepared using potatoes that are healthier for the human body.

Having said that, there is confusion about the belief that potatoes are not rich in nutrients. Which is not true, as, in fact, potatoes rank as one of the most essential foods on the planet.

In addition, it contains numerous health benefits, such as the ability to improve digestion, prevent cancer and improve heart health.

We will discuss with you the health benefits of potatoes in the following lines

The benefits of potatoes, learn about the many benefits of potatoes, the diseases that they treat and


Potatoes, which some call potatoes, have their origins in Solanum tuberosum, which is a solanaceous family and is the fourth largest food crop in the world, after wheat, rice and corn.

The first potato growers were the Inca people of Peru approximately 8000 years ago - 5000 BC.

The Spanish conquistadors invaded Peru in 1536, where they discovered potatoes and took them with them to Europe.

At the end of the 16th century, families of sailors returning from Peru grew potatoes on the coast of Biscay in northern Spain.

Sir Walter Ralech is credited with spreading the potato to Ireland in 1589, where he planted it on 40,000 acres of land near Cork.

Then it took nearly four decades for the potato to spread throughout Europe.

In the end, European farmers realized that the potato was much easier to grow than other crops known at the time such as oats and wheat.

Thus, in a short period of time, potatoes became a popular food for their nutrients because they contain most of the vitamins necessary for the human body to survive.

One of the main reasons for its spread is also its financial feasibility, as each acre of it is sufficient to feed 10 people.

In 1840, an epidemic occurred that infected potatoes on a large scale.

The disease that infected that plant spread in Europe, destroying potato crops in many countries.

At that time, potatoes were the main source of food for the Irish working class.

So when that pest reached Ireland, the damage was reflected in the crop on the citizens, and then the matter developed into a famine, which led to the death of more than a million people due to starvation and disease. In addition to the death of a million others in a number of dispersed countries, most of them from the United States of America and Canada.

The benefits of potatoes, learn about the many benefits of potatoes, the diseases that they treat and

How do potatoes grow?

Potatoes grow 12 to 18 inches in length and spread as channels below the soil surface.

These canals are usually round or oval in shape, but vary widely in size.

Internally, the texture of the potato is reddish-brown, pinkish or creamy white, depending on the variety.

It has a moist and crunchy fish. After preparing it, it becomes smooth and has a special flavour.

The benefits of potatoes, learn about the many benefits of potatoes, the diseases that they treat and

The benefits of potatoes, learn about the many benefits of potatoes, the diseases that they treat and


There are more than 600 varieties of potatoes sold throughout the United States of America.

Each of these varieties can be categorized into 1 of 7 main categories including: burgundy, white, red, yellow, blue/purple, finger, and petite.

In the following lines, we review a list of the characteristics of potatoes and tips on cooking them for each variety.

fermented potatoes

An excellent vegetable for preparing light, thin and mashed potatoes.

It is also brittle and has a golden brown color after frying, and is the perfect choice for cooking.

The delicate texture and distinctive flavor of stewed russets go well with many recipes - from spicy and popular Mediterranean recipes to traditional recipes for cream of milk and garlic.

To make french fries, cut them into long sticks.

white potatoes

These potatoes keep their thickness well after the cooking process.

White potatoes give them an even more intense flavour.

Thus, white potatoes are good for making potato salads of all kinds.

red potatoes

Because of their waxy texture, red potatoes retain their texture during the cooking process, which includes frying and cooking in soups.

Its red peel adds a good taste to salads and next to all kinds of dishes.

Red potatoes are commonly used to make fine potato salads or to add flavor to stews and soups.

It can also be served mashed or cooked.

Red potatoes are often referred to as "new potatoes". In fact, the term is also used to describe all types of potatoes that have been harvested after reaching maturity.

yellow potatoes

After roasting, yellow potatoes have a crunchy skin that thickens the skin – creating a distinctly sweet flavour.

The golden brown and white inside of yellow potatoes means you can use them to make healthier dishes as they contain less fat, sometimes closer to zero.

Yellow potatoes are partially cooked over low heat.

Then it is washed with water, cooled and cut into flat slices.

It is then added to the oil to prepare it.

It can be served with garlic, cream or any other additions before the main meal to open the appetite or alongside one of the main dishes.

Blue/purple potatoes

Most blue/purple potatoes have a firm texture and

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